

sure im off facebook. i do have a new game app addiction though. i went through farmville and pvz years back. it’s been a while since i got hooked on a game (my last one was pocket planes). my new addiction would be x-men’s battle of the atom game app on iOS and android. ive been playing for a month+ now and it’s enough to drive carlo insane about my playing hours 😉


it’s like the card games in the 90s except everything is virtual. you evolve cards to make it stronger but unlike real cards that wont change color or power levels, your virtual cards change looks as well. you play with teams composed of strangers from different parts of the globe and battle with still other strangers every 4 hours of the day for 30 minutes. i havent played any of the card strategy games for real so this is all new to me and im loving it!


ive a long way to go compared to teammates who have hit above level 200s and have card decks with attack levels in 6 digits. i just got invited to join a team that’s ranked top 12 in the game so im stoked. they go as far as having a chat group to discuss strategies and all that jazz and be a real team. it’s kinda what i was hoping for in my previous team. there was promise but the leaders never delivered hence i jumped ship. i actually learned more chatting with a member from the new team in one sitting than the whole time i stayed with my old team. let’s see how far i can take my cards now. to battle!
