
birthday 2009

my birthday this year fell on a sunday. wala lang. pulled out my curtains from the room and set up the buffet in the garden. we cleaned up the house for the guests, mainly family and a handful of friends –i could count them with one hand.  decided not to bring in too many old classmates, i miss out on the gossip from the titas hehehe im kidding. carlo, ivo-may and my mom cooked while mamane, tabex and tacox brought over desserts and the salad. tita-an sponsored the coke products (coke sakto, coke zero and minute maid). ako endorser –check out my shirt. anyhu im thrilled to be celebrating yet again at home. no cake this time though hehe di na uso

this little piggy went to party

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in mendanaw

been a while since my last post. although im not at a loss of significant events, i just dont have the time to blog any of my significant moments in life. sometimes, you just let life take its course and not over-analyze things by making comments on a blog. or romanticize things by masking mundane things into pseudo-profound reflections.

anyhu yes im in mindanao. ive been taking the journey to my hometown every june (and december) to catch up with family, particularly with my parents. that’s why when im home i normally just stay in all day, tinkering and mousing around, making small talk with my mom and dad over lunch or something. sometimes we go to the beach and yes, sundays are for church and then breakfast at my grandparents’ house.

in the last two years, carlo has been accompanying me to cdo. it’ll be my birthday on sunday and im pretty damn old. when i was in college, id make a small advanced celebration during the summer before i head for classes in manila. now im no longer tied to that schedule and am able to enjoy my birthday at home.

the most important thing to remember is not how you grow old, but how you grow up. age is insignificant. a toast to life, love and mysteries. Godbless!
