art & design, costume design, filmmaking, interior design, movies, musings, set design, sketch

shooting heneral luna part 1

HENERAL LUNA is in the last stretch of school tours and promotions prior to the movie’s release on september 9, 2015 and artikulo uno has already released a series of behind the scenes featurettes, including a production design video featuring carlo and myself. however, let me take you further behind the scenes and the design process for one of the sets featured in the current trailer, including trying to meet requirements for our first day of shoot.

a lot of the movie’s intense scenes was staged in this convent room where president aguinaldo’s cabinet staff would meet to discuss (argue) plans for the impending conflict against the americans.

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we’ve started reading and studying the heneral luna script august of 2013.  the script called for the cabinet meeting to happen in a convent. historically, the philippine government often had to move around and meet where it would be convenient and church convents would be akin to board rooms/conference rooms in our modern life setting. by this time, our govt had been driven out of manila and aguinaldo held office in the provinces. i started researching on visual pegs with photos of convents in the 1890s and any local government meetings i could find.

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art & design, set design

giving instructions

worked on the DOH ad about prenatal checkups for moms in their 1st trimester pregnancies. sent this out to my setman carrying minor technical instructions. ive tried google sketchup years ago but it was only last year that i relied on it to furnish my construction crew with clearer plans instead of my normal hand drawn sketches.


Morning cup

While having my overpriced but precious caffé mocha soy milk no whipped cream coffee for breakfast in makati, i chanced on this news article about rising unemployment rate in the philippines (link here). A migrants group was saying the rise is more now during/because of president aquino’s government, contrary to what the former might have said about migration becoming less during his term. While the article may be trying to be objective, it’s kinda off hook because the article did not mention anything about new graduates, children growing up ang trying to find new jobs, population rising and not getting accommodated in a non-expanding 7,107 island archipelago.

Right after the article, some related news articles are posted. Let’s put things in proper perspective. Here’s the screencap.


