
i cant sleep

i probably had too much painkillers, now i cant sleep. it’s already 5am and ive been twisting and turning since midnight. first i was uncomfortable because my rashes sting and is painful. then i felt famished. i started munching on cupcakes and drank lots of water. i just pee’d a lot more. then i started reading archie comics and hoped to fall asleep but then my back started to sting again. eventually i went down and whipped up some oatmeal with milo and ate a bunch of grapes. by now it’s 5am and im really wide awake, with no hope of turning in a wink. i hope i just tire myself out soon and just fall asleep. in the meantime im staying off the painkillers for a bit, see if i can find peace and solitude.  help.

update: so i eventually conked out around 8am i think. turned out the painkiller’s side effect was headache, nausea and downright weakening of the spirit. and all the meds is making my stomach acidic ergo i had to keep eating all the time! i bailed out and thank God i did. now i only take OTC painkillers once at night to help me sleep comfortably. still a far way off before i can actually go to the mall and watch wolverine on iMax but it’ll come. 🙂 cheers!

art & design, costume design

may asim ka pa ba?

worked as “stylist” on datu puti’s mukhasim festival. had a fun time dressing up carmi martin, eula valdez and ina raymundo. had to meet them separately for fittings; carmi at a shoot, eula at ccp before a zsazsa zaturnnah show, and ina at her home. erik matti directs with lyle sacris as DOP. my lone wardrobe assist was chantel. cheers!

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art & design, set design

let me siomai love for you

my first tvc with filmex for tekki shomen noodles by zesto. we had a really tight budget on this one because it was originally costed to be shot on location. and then they decided for a studio shoot. how do you stock up shelves and shelves of products so that you could make a believable convenience store?

good thing zesto owned more than just tekki shomen noodles! we got boxes and boxes of zesto and sunglo juices, orchard fresh juice, quickchow noodles, zesto sodas, one iced tea and even tita frita’s ketchup and beam toothpaste! i admire knowing how the company became what it is now. it even has its own airline (hello, zestair anyone?) ! fantastic! 🙂

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art & design, costume design

seforel tvc

this posting is long overdue. we did this ad for seforel october 2008. had a hard time finding an office that we wanted with the schedule that we needed to do the shoot. eventually we narrowed it down to two offices, including the revolver studios office. and i said, yes i can make something out of the lobby. so we did that. unfortunately, looks like it will also be the last time we’d shoot in the office too hehehe

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